

1. 月亮裡的貓(英文燈謎): Moonlit Cat

2. 何人月下獨自行(英文燈謎): Who travels alone under the moon?

3. 明月出天山(英文燈謎): Clear Moon Over the Mountain Range

4. 明月當空照(英文燈謎): Bright Moon Shines Overhead

5. 月下共賞花(英文燈謎): Share the Blossoms Under the Full Moon

6. 眾星捧月(英文燈謎): All the Stars Encircle the Moon

7. 圓月映古井(英文燈謎): A Round Moon Reflected in an Ancient Well

8. 月亮代表我的心(英文燈謎): The Moon Represents My Heart

9. 月圓人圓(英文燈謎): Full Moon, Full Family

10. 嫦娥奔月(英文燈謎): Chang'e Leaves to the Moon
