中秋 燈謎 英文


1. 中秋賞月猜燈謎(Mid-Autumn Moonlight猜燈謎)

2. 猜燈謎慶中秋(Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival by guessing lantern riddles)

3. 月圓人團圓,燈謎傳友誼(Join hands for a round moon, pass lantern riddles for friendship)

4. 月亮燈謎,中秋歡樂(Mid-Autumn Moonlight Lantern Riddles, Joyful Festival)

5. 賞月猜燈謎,共度中秋夜(Mid-Autumn Moonlight Moon-gazing and guessing lantern riddles, sharing the Mid-Autumn Night)

6. 猜燈謎賞月,團圓樂無邊(Guess lantern riddles and admire the moon, together we have endless happiness)
