

1. “你會修電視嗎?” “不會。” “那你有什麼特異功能?”

2. 有一塊生鐵很沉重,用火一煉就不沉了。

3. 一位女警對上司說:“我剛在執勤時抓了一個販毒分子。”上司說:“你們很有能力,把那個人叫來給我看看。”


1. “Do you repair TVs?” “No.” “So what kind of special ability do you have?”

2. A piece of iron is very heavy, but it doesn't sink when it's smelted with fire.

3. A female police officer said to her boss, "I just caught a drug dealer on duty." The boss said, "You're very capable. Bring that person to me to see."