

1. 猜燈謎1:有時候有時候無,看起來像不見,不見的時候數最多。 (打一數字)

Puzzle: Sometimes there, sometimes not, look like it's not there, when it's not there, the most appears. (Answer: zero)

2. 猜燈謎2:自幼聰明運氣好,口邊猜謎有本領。 (打一生肖)

Puzzle: From a young age, I am intelligent and have good luck. I have the ability to guess riddles. (Answer: rabbit)

3. 猜燈謎3:先問,再答,有點難。 (打一英文字母)

Puzzle: Asked first, then answered, a bit tricky. (Answer: Q)

4. 猜燈謎4:不說話,會笑話,走起路來一蹦一跳。 (打一動物)

Puzzle: Does not speak, can joke, walk with a bounce. (Answer: rabbit)

5. 猜燈謎5:無聲無息過了年,一聲歡呼過了年。 (打一動物)

Puzzle: Silent and quiet over the year, a cheerful sound over the year. (Answer: mouse)
