

1. 英文翻譯: Open the door and see the moon. (猜一成語)

答案: 門當戶對 (開門見月)

2. 英文翻譯: What month do you least like? (猜一成語)

答案: 十月的煩惱 (十月懷胎)

3. 英文翻譯: Let me help you (猜一傳統節日)

答案: 元宵節

4. 英文翻譯: He has eyes but he can't see (猜一節令)

答案: 元宵

5. 英文翻譯: All my life I am first (猜一節令)

答案: 元宵節(猜燈謎)

6. 英文翻譯: The day before the dragon boat festival (猜一傳統節日)

答案: 元宵節

7. 英文翻譯: A kind of food made of glutinous rice flour, round and steamed. (猜一節日食品)

答案: 元宵

8. 英文翻譯: When you see the words "round" and "dumpling", what festival comes to mind?

答案: 元宵節(燈籠和湯圓是元宵節的傳統元素)
