

1. 謎面:高高山上一堆灰,千把鋤頭扒不開。 (打一傳統節日)

Riddles: High up in the mountains, there is a pile of ashes, but even thousands of hoes cannot dig it out. (Answer: Lantern Festival)

2. 謎面:圓圓形狀掛中間,中秋節那天得嘗鮮。 (打一節日食品)

Riddles: It hangs in the middle and has a round shape. On the Mid-Autumn Festival, you can enjoy it. (Answer: Moon Cakes)

3. 謎面:長得胖,圓又方,蘸著吃,最香甜。 (打一節日食品)

Riddles: It's round and square, and when dipped in something, it tastes the sweetest. (Answer: Sweet Dumplings)

4. 謎面:有眼無珠腹內空,每天能吃萬千蟲。 (打一食品)

Riddles: It has no eyes, and its belly is empty, but it can eat millions of worms every day. (Answer: Rice Grain)

5. 謎面:元宵過後鬧元宵。 (打一節日)

Riddles: After Lantern Festival, there is still Lantern Festival. (Answer: Children's Day)
