

1. Why don't birds wear pants?

答:Because their wings would get dirty. (翅膀會弄髒,所以鳥兒不穿褲子。)

2. Why don't wolves wear seatbelts?

答: Because they are always fastened to the prey. (因為他們總是綁在獵物上)

3. What did one wall say to the other wall?

答: "Stop building so high! You are blocking out the sun!" (“別建那么高!你擋住了太陽!”)

4. A father and son were in a car accident. The doctor came to the scene and said, "Your son is fine, but his left arm is broken." The father said, "Oh, good. At least he can drive with one arm." (父親和兒子發生了車禍,醫生趕到現場,說:“你兒子沒事,但他的左胳膊斷了。”父親說:“喔,那還好。至少他可以用一隻胳膊開車。”)

5. Why don't dogs need driver's licenses?

答: Because their leashes would get stuck in the doors. (因為他們的牽引繩會被卡在車門上。)
