

1. 謎面:春風吹得百花香,謎底是哪種字?答案:飠(spring winds wafts fragrance of flowers.)

2. 謎面:倩女芳心暗動,答案:妞(fair maiden with secret passion)

3. 謎面:觀音聞聲救苦女,答案:芸(goddess of mercy saves suffering woman)

4. 謎面:唯女子與小人難養也,打一漢字,謎底:好(only the noble and virtuous are difficult to raise)

5. 謎面:女大當婚,謎底是什麼字?答案:妸(daughter should be married)

6. 謎面:紅顏薄命為佳人,謎底是什麼字?答案:姝(beauty with unlucky fate)

7. 謎面:自傳為女性始祖,打一漢字,謎底是什麼?答案:姓(biography begins with female ancestor)

8. 謎面:昔有醜女號玫瑰,打一漢字,謎底是什麼?答案:瑰(once there was a beautiful name for a rose)

9. 謎面:女性革命家,打一漢字,謎底是什麼?答案:婦(female revolutionary)

10. 謎面:紅顏多才女,打一漢字,謎底是什麼?答案:姝(beautiful and talented woman)
