

1. What kind of dog never barks? (答案:沉默的啞巴)

2. What letter of the alphabet always comes back to haunt you? (答案:K,因為can't stand K)

3. What did one wall say to the other wall? (答案:Be careful, I'm coming through)

4. What did one wall say to the other wall? (答案:I hear you, I'm listening)

5. What did one table say to the other table? (答案:Let's share the butter)

6. What kind of dog has a big mouth? (答案:Chihuahua)

7. What do you call a fish with no eyes? (答案:Fsh)

8. What do you call a fish with no legs? (答案:Fsh)

9. What kind of dog is always on time? (答案:On time dog)

10. A farmer had a dog and a cat. The farmer loved both of them very much. But one day, the cat went missing and the farmer was very sad. The farmer knew that his dog would never run away, so he knew that the cat was gone. Can you help me understand what kind of relationship existed between the dog and the cat? (答案:The dog loved the cat)
