燈謎題目與答案 英文


1. 謎面:上山下山猜一用具。 (答案:梯)

Riddle: Climbing up a hill and down a hill. (Answer: Ladder)

2. 謎面:短小精悍 (答案:蠟燭)

Riddle: Short and powerful (like a candle).

3. 謎面:東南北中 (答案:wonder)

Riddle: Southeast, north, west, and east. (Answer: Wonder)

4. 謎面:左邊綠,右邊紅,左右相遇起涼風 (答案:秋)

Riddle: On the left is green, on the right is red, when they meet there is a cool breeze. (Answer: Autumn)

5. 謎面:你盼著我,我盼著你 (答案:pair)

Riddle: You hope for me, I hope for you. (Answer: Pair)

6. 謎面:乖,快睡覺去。 (答案:Knock,off)

Riddle: Be good, go to sleep now. (Answer: Knock off)

7. 謎面:傘兵 (答案:paratrooper)

Riddle: Paratrooper.

8. 謎面:上面小下面大,出門就變樣,上面走下面坐,騎它日千里。 (答案:腳踏車)

Riddle: Above is small and below is big, going out changes it. Walk on it and ride on it, ride a thousand miles in a day. (Answer: Bicycle)

9. 謎面:遇水即消,遇火即明。 (答案:火柴)

Riddle: Submerged in water it disappears, lit by fire it becomes clear. (Answer: Matchstick)

10. 謎面:朝聞遊子意,暮鼓搗紅顏。 (答案:梳子)

Riddle: Early in the morning I hear the wishes of the wandering son, at dusk I strike up the red rouge. (Answer: Hairbrush)