燈謎 英文版


1. 燈謎:Puzzle with lanterns

2. 謎底:Answer key

3. 謎面:猜燈謎(英文)燈謎 guessing (idiom)

4. 紅燈亮起:The red light is on (literally means "the red light is lit") but in a cultural context, it could also be translated as "the riddle has been solved".

5. 無法猜中:Not solved the riddle (lit. "not solved the red light")

6. 逢燈必猜:Riddle every lantern (lit. "riddle every red light")

7. 猜燈謎活動:Lantern riddle guessing activity

8. 答案揭曉:Answer revealed

9. 揭開謎底:Unravel the riddle
