

1. "A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out." (猜一個英語單詞)

2. "Where there is love, there is life." (猜一個英語詞語)

3. "He who hesitates is lost." (猜一個英語動詞)

4. "A good book is the best friend." (猜一個英語名詞)

5. "A stitch in time saves nine." (猜一個英語數學術語)

6. "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." (猜一個英語名詞)

7. "A miss is as good as a mile." (猜一個英語名詞)

8. "The early bird catches the worm." (猜一個英語動詞)

9. "The best-laid schemes of mice and men, often go awry." (猜一個英語名詞)
