

1. 為什麼電腦總是喜歡在夜裡工作?因為白天它們要陪主人聊天。

笑話翻譯:Why do computers always like to work at night? Because during the day they have to accompany their owner to chat.

2. 為什麼熊貓總是喜歡呆在動物園裡?因為它們不想被吃掉。

笑話翻譯:Why do pandas always like to stay in the zoo? Because they don't want to be eaten.

3. 為什麼鳥兒總是在樹上唱歌?因為它們想吸引配偶。

笑話翻譯:Why do birds always sing in trees? Because they want to attract mates.
