

1. What kind of animal is as old as the hills?

2. What kind of animal never forgets anything?

3. What kind of animal can you sleep with all year round and not get used to it?

4. What kind of animal never takes a better decision?

5. What kind of animal has the longest neck in the world?

6. What kind of animal drinks the most?

7. What kind of animal has the sweetest song?

8. What kind of animal has a father and mother but cannot speak?

9. What kind of animal loves food more than it loves water?

10. What kind of animal has a bed but never sleeps?


1. The oldest living thing in the world, the coral tree frog.

2. The bee.

3. The cat.

4. The hen that can't see the future.

5. The giraffe.

6. The rhinoceros drinks the most in one day and loses it all next day so that is why it's name rhymes with 'hay'.

7. The nightingale.

8. The egg-laying mammal (sheep) is indeed an exception here, since other animals lay eggs or give birth to offspring and typically vocalize when it's safe to do so (but they're still mammals). Sheep have no vocal chords to speak, hence their "silent" status in the category.

9. The elephant eats too much and so sleeps as much.

10. The unstoppable cat is a perfect example of someone who's just like, "Nah, I'm good." Cats take naps constantly and even when they're not sleeping, they're looking for a spot to snooze.
