

1. What letter is a foot?

2. What letter is a part of the sun?

3. What letter is a hand?

4. A driver and a chef were walking along the road when they heard a siren. Who did they see running towards them?

5. The Englishman, the Indian, and the Irishman all play a musical instrument. What are they?

6. The noise they made woke up all the animals in the forest, except for one which did not join in. Who was it?

7. The third time is a charm, which number is that?

8. A man walks into a bar with a 10 foot long snake. The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't allow snakes in here." The man says, "Oh, OK," and walks out. The next day, the man comes back in with a 20 foot long snake. The bartender says, "I'm sorry, we don't allow snakes of any length in here." What do you think the man said this time?

9. What do you call it when you take a quarter and make it do tricks?
