

1. “B” in the sky - answer: balloon (在空中中的字母“B”)

2. All in one - answer: unit (所有都包含在一個中)

3. Clockwise - answer: direction (順時針方向)

4. On the menu - answer: menu item (選單上的項目)

5. The letter “Q” - answer: question mark (字母“Q”代表問號)

6. The end of the alphabet - answer: z (字母表的結束)

7. One more time - answer: repeat (再試一次)

8. The letter “P” in the middle - answer: pivot (中間的字母“P”代表支點)

9. A word with two “O”s - answer: double o (一個包含兩個“O”的單詞)

10. A word with two “E”s - answer: double e (一個包含兩個“E”的單詞)
