

1.猜燈謎:最富貴的人 - 答案:multi-millionaire

2.猜燈謎:窮得只剩一碗粥 - 答案:broth only

3.猜燈謎:家徒四壁 - 答案:have nothing

4.猜燈謎:才子佳人 - 答案:smart and beautiful person

5.猜燈謎:結合創造明天 - 答案:join to create tomorrow

6.猜燈謎:圓形動物 - 答案:circle animal

7.猜燈謎:飛向天空 - 答案:fly into the sky

8.猜燈謎:強風摧花 - 答案:strong wind destroy flowers

9.猜燈謎:狗不理包子的朋友 - 答案:a friend of the dog-unappreciated bun

10.猜燈謎:夏日乘涼好去處 - 答案:good place for a summer evening cooler

11.猜燈謎:竹子裡的風暴 - 答案:storm in a bamboo tube

12.猜燈謎:早晨起床伸懶腰 - 答案:stretch lazily in the morning

13.猜燈謎:一群狗仔隊 - 答案:a pack of paparazzi

14.猜燈謎:一路順風 - 答案:smooth sailing all the way
