1. "What letter is a fruit? (Hint: It's the one that sounds like 'pear')"
Answer: P
2. "What do you call a person who loves to eat cheese? (Hint: It's a dairy)"
Answer: Cheese lover
3. "What does a rainbow say? (Hint: It's a combination of colors)"
Answer: "I'm made up of colors!"
4. "What is bigger than a rhino, has less than a tooth, and makes noise when it runs? (Hint: It's a runner)"
Answer: Buffalo
5. "What kind of music does a typewriter play? (Hint: It's an instrument)"
Answer: Typewriter music (typical typing noises)
6. "What do you call a person who loves to eat pizza? (Hint: It's a foodie)"
Answer: Pizza lover
7. "What do you call a person who loves to read books? (Hint: It's a reader)"
Answer: Bookworm
8. "What is green and also has stripes? (Hint: It's a common animal)"
Answer: Turtle (turtles are green and have stripes)
9. "What is the hardest word in the English language? (Hint: It's a 5 letter word)"
Answer: Sarcasm (it's a very difficult word to spell and use correctly)
10. "What do you call a person who loves to watch TV? (Hint: It's a couch potato)"
Answer: TV lover/Couch potatoe