

1. 猜一個英文單詞:A word that starts with "h" and ends with "ous". (答案:Hope)

2. 猜一個英文單詞:A word that starts with "f" and ends with "ish". (答案:Fact)

3. 猜一個英文單詞:A word that starts with "s" and ends with "t". (答案:Stars)

4. 猜一個英文詞語:A word that means "something that is done regularly". (答案:Routine)

5. 猜一個英文單詞:A word that starts with "p" and ends with "tion". (答案:Promise)

6. 猜一個英文單詞:A word that means "something that is difficult to do". (答案:Difficult)

7. 猜一個英文詞語:A word that means "something that is not easy to understand". (答案:Puzzling)

8. 猜一個英文詞語:A word that starts with "b" and ends with "ic". (答案:Bubble)

9. 猜一個英文字母:The first letter of the English alphabet, but when spoken it is not a sound of the alphabet but rather a noise like a startled exclamation or a surprise gasp. (答案:Q)

10. 猜一個英文詞語:A word that starts with "r" and ends with "ch". (答案:Rush)
