

1. 謎面:What letter is a question? (答案:Y)

2. 謎面:A man who is always on time, but always late. (答案:It's time)

3. 謎面:What letter is a question in the dictionary? (答案:Q)

4. 謎面:What letter is a kind of music? (答案:C)

5. 謎面:What letter is a kind of fruit? (答案:P)

6. 謎面:What letter comes before the letter K? (答案:J)

7. 謎面:What letter is a kind of game? (答案:S)

8. 謎面:What letter stands for silence? (答案:T)

9. 謎面:What word starts with T and ends with T, but has no letters in between? (答案:Tuesday)

10. 謎面:What number do you never want to say? (答案:Seven)
