

1. “Why don't you wear your glasses?” “Because I can see well without them.”(“你為什麼不戴眼鏡呢?” “因為我不戴眼鏡也能看得很好。”)

2. “How much does a car weigh?” “Just a second, let me put on my scale pants.”(“一輛車多重?” “等一下,讓我穿上我的稱重褲。”)

3. “I don't know where my keys are, I must have lost them in the library.” “Oh, where did you lose them? In the math section?”(“我不知道我的鑰匙在哪裡,我一定是把它們丟在圖書館了。”“喔,你是在哪丟的?在數學區嗎?”)

4. “I'm feeling a little under the weather today.” “Oh, you don't look well. You look like you've been hit by a truck.”(“我今天感覺有點不舒服。”“喔,你看起來不太好。你好像被卡車撞了。”)

5. “Why did the chicken cross the road?” “To get to the other side and make it a double.”(“為什麼雞要過馬路?”“為了到另一邊並且還要過一條馬路。”)
