

A: How was your weekend?

B: It was great! I slept in, watched TV all day, and played video games.

A: That sounds fun. But I bet you’re starting to get a little bored with the same routine every weekend.

B: I know, right? But what can I do? I’m addicted to my devices.

A: Maybe you should try going for a walk or something to break up the monotony.

B: That’s a good idea. I might do that next weekend.

C: Hey, guys, what are you up to?

A: I’m just chatting with B about his weekend.

C: So, what’s your favorite TV show?

D: Oh, I don’t really watch TV. I like to read books or play video games instead.

C: That’s cool. Do you have any recommendations for good books?

D: Sure, I can recommend a few. But first, let me ask you something. Do you like dogs?

C: Yeah, I love dogs!

D: Good, because my favorite book is about a dog that goes on adventures with his owner. It’s really good!
