
英文笑話 ABC 的笑話有:

1. A boy called "cow" - Teacher: "John, what's the first thing a cow does when she walks in?" John: "She bumps her head on the ceiling."

2. ABC Cake - A man goes into a bakery and orders a cake. The baker asks him what he would like on it. "Just print whatever alphabet letters you think are appropriate," he says. The baker brings out a cake with the following message: "You're a jerk, get out of my store." The man is furious and demands his money back. The baker replies, "No problem, but you can't have the letter "A" because you were alphabetically incorrect.

3. A man walks into a bar with a rooster on his shoulder. - Bartender: "What can I get you?" Man: "Well, I'm looking for a beer for my rooster." Bartender: "Uh, I don't think we serve alcohol to animals here." Man: "Oh, I didn't know chickens were animals."
