

Why don't women make money? Because they spend it all on their appearance!(為什麼女性不賺錢呢?因為他們把所有的錢都花在打扮上了!)

Can you believe I left my phone in the other one?(你能相信我把手機落在另一輛車上了嗎?)

Excuse me, where is the nearest coffee shop? (請問,最近的咖啡店在哪裡?)

“It's a nice day, isn't it?” said the teacher. “Yes, but I think it will start raining soon. You can feel it in the air.”(老師說:“今天天氣不錯,是吧?” “是的,但我覺得很快就會下雨。你都能感覺到空氣中的雨意。”)