

1. What always works in a heat wave? (猜一個詞)

2. A gift that always shows love? (猜一個詞)

3. What is that which we do so often without the use of eyes? (猜一個職業)

4. A big fish in a little pond? (猜一個英文單詞)

5. What letter is an animal? (猜一個字母)

6. What do you call a mouse with no tail? (猜一個英文單詞)

7. A book that never runs out of stories? (猜一電影)

8. What kind of dog never barks? (猜一個英文單詞)

9. A word that rhymes with "goose"? (猜一個英文單詞)

10. A word that starts with "q" and rhymes with "orange"? (猜一個英文單詞)
