

1. A farmer has 49 chickens in his coop. If he sells 2 chickens, how many eggs will he have?

答案:He will have 47 eggs. The farmer has 47 chickens after selling 2.

2. A man walks into a bar with a 100 dollar bill and a live chicken. He asks the bartender to sell him a $50 whiskey. The bartender says no, so what does the man do?

答案:He leaves and takes the chicken with him. The man has a $50 bill to pay for the whiskey, so he doesn't need to buy it from the bartender.

3. Why do bats sleep with one eye open?

答案:Because they are always watching for food. Bats are very active at night and need to be vigilant for any food sources.

4. A man walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve alcohol to dogs." The man replies, "Then I guess I'll just have to drink alone." Then what does the bartender say?

答案:The bartender says, "No problem, I'm a dog too." This is a clever response because it implies that the bartender is also a dog and can join the man in drinking his beer.

5. A man walks into a bar with a 10 foot tall cardboard cutout of himself. The bartender asks, "What can I get you?" The man replies, "A 20 foot tall vodka tonic."

答案:The bartender probably laughs and serves him his drink. This is a joke because it's impossible to buy a drink that tall.
