

1. What kind of dog can help you cook? (謎底:dishwasher)

2. What letter says "O" without saying "I"? (謎底:zero)

3. A person with no mouth can eat? (謎底:river)

4. A fruit that's both sweet and sour at the same time? (謎底:grape)

5. A fruit that can make you look like you've got a mustache? (謎底:lemon)

6. A word that starts with "p" and rhymes with "sick"? (謎底:put)

7. What kind of dog is always happy? (謎底:happy dog)

8. What kind of dog is always sad? (謎底:sorrowful dog)

9. What kind of dog is always hungry? (謎底:hungry dog)

10. What kind of dog sleeps all day and never gets tired? (謎底:sleepy dog)
