

1. 為什麼松鼠要穿衣服? Because squirrels don't like to be cold. (松鼠為什麼要穿衣服?因為松鼠不喜歡冷。)

2. 為什麼小鴨子跟著媽媽? Because ducks are her children. (鴨子為什麼跟著媽媽?因為鴨子是她孩子。)

3. 為什麼豬喜歡曬太陽? Because they like to be warm. (豬為什麼喜歡曬太陽?因為它們喜歡暖和。)

4. 為什麼鳥兒要飛行? Because they want to be free. (鳥兒為什麼喜歡飛行?因為它們想自由自在。)

5. 為什麼魚兒喜歡在水裡游? Because they like to swim. (魚兒為什麼喜歡在水裡游?因為它們喜歡游泳。)

6. 為什麼貓兒喜歡抓老鼠? Because they like to play. (貓兒為什麼喜歡抓老鼠?因為它們喜歡玩耍。)

7. 為什麼狗兒喜歡搖尾巴? Because they want to make friends. (狗兒為什麼喜歡搖尾巴?因為它們想交朋友。)

8. 小豬餓了,於是它走進森林找吃的。它找到了一些水果,但是它太貪心了,連一個小小的水果也吃不完。它說:“我太貪心了,連一個小小的水果也吃不完。” The pig was hungry and went into the forest to find food. It found some fruit, but it was too greedy and couldn't finish even a single small piece. It said, "I'm too greedy, I can't even finish a small piece of fruit."

9. 為什麼鳥兒的頭那么大? Because they have big brains. (鳥兒為什麼頭那么大?因為它們有大腦。)

10. 為什麼海豚喜歡跳水? Because they like to show off their skills. (海豚為什麼喜歡跳水?因為它們喜歡展示自己的技能。)
