謎語變奏曲 英文


1. 什麼東西早晨用四條腿走路,中午用兩條腿走路,晚上用三條腿走路?(答案:椅子)

英文版: What object walks with four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs at night? (Answer: a chair)

2. 什麼東西越洗越髒?(答案:水)

英文版: What gets dirtier and dirtier the more you wash it? (Answer: water)

3. 什麼東西不說話也能聽到?(答案:影子)

英文版: What object cannot speak but can still hear? (Answer: a shadow)

4. 什麼東西有時讓人心跳加速,有時讓人心跳減速?(答案:運動)

英文版: What can sometimes make people's heart beat faster and sometimes make it slow down? (Answer: exercise)

5. 什麼東西有頭無尾,有尾無頭,左右各一?(答案:魚)

英文版: What has a head but no tail, and a tail but no head, with two on each side? (Answer: a fish)
