

1. Why don't skeletons dance? Because they're all bones, and no one can dance with a bone in their mouth.(為什麼骷髏不會跳舞?因為它們都是骨頭,沒有人能在嘴裡跳舞。)

2. Why don't skeletons fight each other? Because they don't have enough for one good bone.(為什麼骷髏不互相打架?因為他們沒有足夠的骨頭打架。)

3. Why did the scarecrow win the prize for best actor? Because he actually scared the living daylights out of the audience.(為什麼稻草人贏得最佳演員獎?因為他把觀眾嚇得不輕。)

4. Why don't skeletons eat pizza? Because they don't have any stomachs to digest it in.(為什麼骷髏不吃披薩?因為他們沒有胃來消化它。)
