

1. 關鍵一刻見真章 (猜一飲食) - The decisive moment reveals the truth (Guess a food)

2. 獨木不成林 (猜一字) - One tree doesn't make a forest (Guess a Chinese character)

3. 異曲同工 (猜一飲食) - Different tunes, same melody (Guess a food)

4. 無中生有 (猜一飲食) - Nothing in the world, but birth of something (Guess a food)

5. 無聲無息 (猜一飲食) - Silence and nothingness (Guess a food)

6. 鳥在林中,我在樓上 (猜一飲食) - Birds in the forest, I on the building (Guess a food)

7. 濟濟一堂 (猜一食物名) - A group of things in harmony (Guess a food name)

8. 哪吒鬧海 (猜一飲食) - Na Zha causing trouble in the sea (Guess a food)

9. 走盡天涯海角苦行僧 (猜一食物名) - The pilgrim who travels endlessly across the land and sea (Guess a food name)

10. 千裡相送 (猜一飲食) - A long distance journey to send something (Guess a food)
