

1. 謎語英文點寫:“一物真新鮮,爬在樹上邊,嫩葉為衣衫,果兒掛枝間”(打一動物)謎底:松鼠。英文點寫:A creature that is truly novel. It climbs on trees, its soft young leaves serve as clothing, and its fruit hangs from branches. (答案僅供參考)

2. 謎語英文點寫:“身上長麟,群芳里。喜暗處,怕光明”(打一動物)謎底:刺蝟。英文點寫:It has scales all over its body and lives in groups. It enjoys staying in dark places and is afraid of bright light.

3. 謎語英文點寫:“頭戴紅帽子,身穿白袍子,說話伸脖子,走路擺架子”(打一動物)謎底:鵝。英文點寫:It wears a red hat and white clothes. When it speaks, it extends its neck. It struts around when it walks.

4. 謎語英文點寫:“小樹長得快,竹筍生得怪”(打一動物)謎底:馬鹿。英文點寫:The little tree grows quickly and the bamboo sprout strangely.
