

1. What letter is a body part? (答案:H,因為head是身體的一部分)

2. What letter is a question? (答案:Y,因為why是一個問題)

3. What number says "Hello" when you dial it? (答案:4,因為four在撥號時發音像"Hello")

4. What letter is a drink? (答案:P,因為Pint是一個酒的單位)

5. What kind of dog would do more work than its share? (答案:overworked dog,意為過度勞累的狗)

6. What fruit is a letter? (答案:peach,因為peach的英文發音類似於字母P)

7. What kind of dog is always on time? (答案:punctual dog,意為守時的狗)

8. What kind of dog sleeps all day and drinks all night? (答案:lazy dog,意為懶狗)

9. What do you call a fish with no eyes? (答案:no eye fish,意為沒有眼睛的魚)

10. What do you call a big mouth without lips? (答案:open mouth,意為張開的大嘴)
