


* 如果你有一把只能裝半杯水的杯子,你會怎么辦? (If you have a cup that can only hold half a cup of water, what would you do?) 答案是:再倒滿水。 (The answer is to pour more water in.)

* 你能做哪些事可以不用手? (What can you do without using your hands?) 答案是:踢足球 (The answer is playing football.)


* If you have a box of matches and a candle, what do you do with them? (If you have a box of matches and a candle, what do you do with them?) The answer is: Light the candle.

* If you have a telephone and a computer, what can you do with them? (If you have a telephone and a computer, what can you do with them?) The answer is: Talk to people and send emails.
