

1. 謎面:What always goes up but never goes down?(燈謎答案:Interest)

2. 謎面:What letter is a question mark?(燈謎答案:Y)

3. 謎面:What letter is a radio?(燈謎答案:O)

4. 謎面:What letter comes before the letter P?(燈謎答案:F)

5. 謎面:What letter says “a sound without a sound”?(燈謎答案:M)

6. 謎面:What word has the most letters in it?(燈謎答案:X)

7. 謎面:What kind of dog sleeps all day and eats with his head on the table?(燈謎答案:Dormouse)

8. 謎面:What does the fox say?(燈謎答案:He says, “Ouch!”)

9. 謎面:What goes up and never comes down?(燈謎答案:Time)

10. 謎面:What kind of shark can you swim with?(燈謎答案:Whale shark)
