

有一天,一隻螞蟻遇到了一隻蜈蚣,螞蟻問:“你有多少條腿啊?”蜈蚣回答:“我有幾十上百條腿。” 螞蟻驚訝地說:“這么多腿啊!” 蜈蚣驕傲地說:“對啊,我有這么多腿,當然能走很多地方去了。” 這時,螞蟻笑了,說:“那你爬到樹葉上去看看,到底是你腿多還是樹葉多?”


One day, an ant met a centipede and asked, "How many legs do you have?" Centipede replied, "I have dozens and hundreds of legs." The ant exclaimed in surprise, "So many legs!" Centipede proudly said, "Yeah, with so many legs, I can go to many places." At this point, the ant laughed and said, "Then why don't you climb onto a leaf and see if it's your legs or the leaf that's more numerous?"