

1. What kind of dog can run faster than a car?

答案:Deerhound (獵狗)

2. What letter is a kind of fruit?

答案:P (因為peach桃子)

3. What kind of table can you eat off of?

答案:Couch (餐椅)

4. What kind of dog is always on time?

答案:Basset hound (巴塞特獵犬)

5. What kind of book is never thrown away?

答案:Memo book (記事本)

6. What kind of dog is always lost?

答案:Beagle (比格犬)

7. What kind of dog sleeps all day and eats all night?

答案:Bloodhound (獵犬)

8. What kind of dog is always on TV?

答案:Pomeranian (波美拉尼亞犬)

9. What kind of letter opens its eyes?

答案:O (因為字母“O”看起來像眼睛)

10. What kind of table is always up?

答案:Bench (長凳)
